G Suite Powered Learning
Return: http://ly.tcea.org/gtech
Teachers will learn about beneficial add-ons, extensions, and apps in Google and Chrome. Also, training will include the use of YouTube and Forms for classroom applications.
Engaging Priorities
Teachers working with Generation Z have some changes to make in their classrooms. You can break the expectations down in simple ways:
- Using digital media (videos/podcasts)
- Learning through hands-on experiences
- Developing team-building skills
- Solving real-world problems
On Your Own: Mini-Lessons
Looking for self-paced learning opportunities? Want to explore topics, featuring video tutorials and step by step instructions (for the most part) that you can use to get going quickly?
#1 - About Me Emoji
IceBreaker - About Me Emoji
Instructions: Take a moment to create an emoji that reflects you! Choose the group that matches your the first letter of your last name.
- Group 1: A-G - Create emoji | View Creations
- Group 2: G-M- Create emoji | View Creations
- Group 3: N-R- Create emoji | View Creations
- Group 4: S-Z- Create emoji | View Creations
About This Activity
This activity was created by Diana Benner (@diben) and enables you to introduce your students to Google Slides.
#2 - Google Classroom
New at Google Classroom? Explore this MMTS!
Google Classroom offers many opportunities for creating a virtual learning space. This multimedia text set (MMTS) will help you give you a quick introduction and overview of Google Classroom.
Use links below to explore Google Classroom
Embark on a GoogleQuest!
Ready for a more in-depth look at Google Classroom? Check out this hyperdoc on Creating the Right Classroom for Your Class. Notice the organization is a bit different.
Get Started Now!
#3 - Speed Learning with Multimedia Text Sets (MMTS)
"MMTSs are just docs with links meant to build schema through exploration."
Multimedia text sets broaden a student’s repertoire of resources to draw information from.
#4 - Creating with Google Slides
Activity A: Pipe-Cleaner Storycasts
In this inventive activity suggested by Nathaniel Cody Holt (@beard_speak), each participants gets two pipe-cleaners. Then creates a story in a group setting, placing pictures in sequence in Google Slides. Then, participants create a screencast, narrating the action represented.
Activity B: Animated GIF
Animated GIFs are a series of images that provide information, tell a story, or tutorial on a topic. They have also been used to illustrate an instructional concept. Creating animated GIFs is a good way for students to summarize learning and have fun at the same time. Some ideas appear below. Learn about some great tools to use. Animated GIFs also function great as short picture tutorials. They play well on social media, like Twitter, too.
(want to learn how to do this with your phone?)
- Animate a Story or Poem: Ever wish you could quickly capture student interest or animate a story/poem?
- Special Moments: Celebrating student success? Maybe a birthday, Valentine's Day or a special announcement? In this station, you will create some different digital cards/announcements.
- Observation Station: Time to put your scientist hat on! What do you see when observing naturally occurring processes like weathering/erosion, the water cycle or the carbon cycle?
- Chemistry Animation: How could you help students understand chemical/physical changes, such as the states of matter or chemical bonding?
- Animated Mathematics: Take any one of these math processes and animate them to make them easy to understand.
- Public Service Announcements: Create a public service announcement (PSA) for an important issue relevant to your students.
Activity C: Hyperlinked Slides
Learn how to create your own hyperlinked slide show. This enables you to connect slide shows for eportfolios, choose your own adventure and more.
#5 - Inquiry-Based Learning with Hyperdocs
"HyperDocs are transformative, interactive Google Docs that replace the standard worksheet method of delivering instruction" (The HyperDocs co-creators).
Hyperdocs can also serve as vehicles of inquiry-based learning.
#6 - Collaborative Projects in the Classroom
Looking for projects and ideas that will get your entire class engaged and working together? Then facilitating collaborative projects is for you. Whether you are in a K-12 classroom or computer lab, you’ll find these ideas will generate excitement and interest. You will also see a variety of tools to choose from so you can select which ones best meet your students’ needs as you implement these fun projects.
7- Making Magic with Google Sheets Add-Ons
Session Description
Explore how Google Sheets add-ons can make email merges a cinch, as well as many other exciting possibilities.
Google Sheets brings a host of powerful features to users. But you can enhance Google Sheets with a variety of add-ons that automate the repetitive tasks spreadsheets have, including enhancing styles, splitting names, generating QR codes, and much more.
More Resources
Try out this Multimedia Text Set (MMTS) to learn more about Gmail Tips & Tricks on your own!
Looking for Google Suites for Education Templates?
Supporting Inquiry in Your Classroom
Once you’ve decided what the students will be focusing on, they’ll need more information on the topic. Google’s general search is a great place to start, but there are a number of other more specific tools that can help them both become better searchers and narrow down their searches a bit.
Seven Keys to Blended Learning
Read and reflect with a partner about the Seven Keys to Blended Learning article.
Task: Record TWO take-aways from the article, plus ONE more from any resource below, via Flipgrid at flipgrid.com/968bbf (or use the Flipgrid mobile app with code 968bbf)
BL/FL Resources
- Videos
- Stuff to Read
- Explore this article and blog entry about GAFE4Littles. Compare and contrast the approaches used
- Flipped Teaching
- Flipped Learning Tools
- Blended Learning Models