AFE - Amazing Flipgrid Examples
Educators and students use Flipgrid in amazing ways every day. And, when I introduce people to Flipgrid for the first time, they always ask, "What are some of those ways?" This page attempts to capture some of those amazing flipgrid examples.
Educators and students use Flipgrid in amazing ways every day. And, when I introduce people to Flipgrid for the first time, they always ask, "What are some of those ways?" This page attempts to capture some of those amazing flipgrid examples.
Flipgrid Example: Writing
Flipgrid Example: Writing
@Flipgrid Writers! Ss practiced sentences using “oa” vowel team words. I used Flipgrid to dictate the sentence to the Ss, then they it and drew a matching picture. Ss could sentences many times 4 support w/ flipbook. Great way to have #Flipgridfever lead a station
@Flipgrid Writers! Ss practiced sentences using “oa” vowel team words. I used Flipgrid to dictate the sentence to the Ss, then they it and drew a matching picture. Ss could sentences many times 4 support w/ flipbook. Great way to have #Flipgridfever lead a station