Proposal Type 2
Here’s what I ended up with for more detailed work, which I’ll label as “Type #2 – Implementation Notes.” The Type 2 proposal has these headers in it:
- Goal
- Vision of What Successful Implementation would look like
- Background Information
- Content Area Focus
- Professional Learning
- Implementation Phases
- Key Areas to Implementation Success
- Implementation Timeline which includes a table with action step, office/staff responsible, and a completion date.
- Appendix with information such as:
- Readiness Checklist
- Hardware Assessment
Below is an example of such a proposal:
Directly impact student achievement through enhancement of the learning tools available to students and their teachers. To achieve this, this initiative will provide an elementary campus chosen by the Offices of Math and Science—judged eligible by their criteria—with 95 Palm Tungsten C Handheld Computers, the necessary peripherals and software, and then assess their impact on student learning. Aside from the goal of impacting student learning, this initiative also seeks to do the following:
1. Ensure an effective use of handheld technology in elementary classroom settings to impact
math, science, and reading.
2. Transform teaching and learning practices as informed by research and best practices.
3. Provide ubiquituous access to handheld technology at the point of need.
Portrait of a Handheld-Enabled Classroom
Both teachers and students are engaged in an ongoing learning process, in which content area and technology skills are embedded in lesson activities. Classroom instruction is primarily student-centered, but the role of the teacher is vital in guiding and facilitating learning, as well as helping assess student work. Assessment is authentic and ongoing. Expectations of student performance are extremely high. Technology tools are used transparently throughout the curriculum by students as well as teachers to support the learning environment. Classroom work is characterized by a buzz of activity, a high level of intrinsic motivation, and a spirit of discovery as well as a love of learning on the part of all participants. Students demonstrate mastery of required knowledge and skills tof content, tools, audience, and assessment prevails.
Background Information
Students are expected to demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity. Research on certain uses of handheld computers in the classroom provides reason for both optimism and excitement. Research from SRI published in September 2002 indicates the following:
- 93% of teachers believe handhelds have a positive effect on learning.
- 75% of teachers who let students take Palms home report an increase in homework completion.
- 72% of teachers said handhelds are easier to integrate into classroom activities than desktop computers.
- 89% of teachers said handhelds are effective teaching tools.[4]
To ensure the effective use of handheld computers with students at the target level of progress required by the Texas Education Agency in the StaR Chart, the Office of Instructional Technology has been invited to participate in a joint initiative with Curriculum & Instruction Department Office of Math and Science Services.
Content Area Focus
The campus chosen has included the use of handhelds in its Campus Improvement Plan for Math and other content areas. The Palms will be used to help support Math Investigations throughout the math scope and sequence. Teachers will work with the math department to modify Math Investigation lessons that utilize the Palms.
In addition, handheld computers will be used to enhance the Foss Science Kits and used for
Reading/Language arts activities and Social Studies. The campus will buy the ImagiProbe. The ImagiLab activities have been designed to support discovery by encouraging students to ask questions, make predictions, conduct investigations, and develop lines of inquiry.
In Math Investigations and science there are many areas where “Documents ToGo” spreadsheets can be used to support what is being studied. Part of the Professional Development will focus in the area of specifically applying the Palm to the Math Investigations. This will be done in coordination with the Math and Science Department. The campus intends to purchase Imagineer Probeware to interface with the Palms as well.
Inspiration on the Palms—graphic organizer software–will support a number of curricular areas. Students will have the ability to detail processes to help create a visual picture in their mind. They will also be able to use it as a brain storming tool for writing and for story webs to help understand the literary elements in a story.
Please note that the software chosen for this initiative met the stringent standards set by the Software Selection Committee. The software includes ImagiWorks probes, as well as Inspiration for the Palm. The projects students create can be easily be shared on the web. Participants will learn how to install and maintain the software during training.
Professional Learning
Participants will attend a 18-hour workshop session initially with additional sessions planned during the 2005-2006 school year. Math and Science Services specialists will also attend training and provide support to this initiative. Participants will also submit copies of their lesson plans online and be shared with others not participating in the project. Professional Learning sessions will also be assessed at levels 4 and 5 of the Five Critical Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (Guskey, Tdevelopment, Corwin Press, Inc). Those levels include the following:
Level 4- Participants’ use of new knowledge and skills:
Questions Addressed include: Did participants effectively apply the new knowledge and skills?
Instruments used will include questionnaires, structured interviews, participant reflections, portfolios, video-or audiotape if appropriate.
Level 5- Student learning outcomes:
Questions Addressed include:
a) What was the impact on students?;
b) Did it affect student performance or achievement?
Instruments used include questionnaires, portfolios, and student records.
Implementation Phases
Although a timeline is provided to frame the implementation, one can observe the progression via multiple phases (shown below).
Phase 1: Train 5th grade professional staff in the basic use of handhelds
Phase 2: Train 5th grade professional staff in the use of handhelds for academic purposes
Phase 3: Train student leaders in basics of handhelds to help facilitate classroom use.
Phase 4: Deploy handhelds to classrooms
Phase 5: Support Graebner staff through classroom visits and demonstrations
Phase 6: Continue Staff development and support throughout the 2005-2006 Academic year
Key Areas to Implementation Success
This plan considers 3 areas to be key to the implementation success of this Initiative. Those areas include the following:
Infrastructure and Technical Support
• Enough Palms to provide ubiquitous access to students
• At least one syncing station in each classroom
• Software to support and enhance classroom instruction
Professional Development
• Professional Development for Technical Support Groups
• Professional Development for Campus Teachers
• Training of student leaders to provide assistance for teachers in implementation
Assessment and Evaluation
• Ongoing assessment will be provided through the implementation process and conducted by the Office of Math and Science.
• Teachers participating in the project will also be assessed using the LOTI Instrument in Spring, 2005, as well as the LOTI Walk-Through form.
• Student assessments will be done through the use of authentic assessment measures (e.g.
• Student products will also be displayed via a web site managed collaboratively by Math and Science Services and Instructional Technology.
• Teacher developed lessons will be published via the Instructional Technology web site.
Implementation Timeline
[Table omitted but it should have these components:
Column 1: Action Step
Column 2: Office Responsible
Column 3: Completion Date]
Prompt approval and implementation of this plan will ensure successful implementation. While no plan can anticipate with 100% accuracy the issues that will arise, we can anticipate the Professional Development and Support Structures that need to be set in place. This plan seeks to do this, and your feedback is invited.
Please submit your comments to:
Miguel Guhlin, Director
Office of Instructional Services
210-527-1400 ext. 115
Appendix A: Campus Readiness Checklist
Hardware Checklist
• A computer running at least Windows 98 or MAC OS 9 with functioning internet connection capabilities
• Functioning internet connectivity in all teachers classrooms
• Appropriate Software
• Internet Explorer 5.1 or Higher for PC or MAC
• A printer for printing student developed projects
• Appropriate hardware support for computers
• Willingness to participate in additional training after initial training
Teacher Participant Expectations
• Each teacher will attend 18 hours of professional development (including during school time and after-hours time as appropriate) in support of this initiative.
• Each teacher will sign a handheld agreement appropriate for the Palm Tungsten C.
• Each teacher will develop 2 lessons for publication during the Spring, 2004 semester and 3 additional lessons during the 2004-2005 school year.
• Each participating teacher will be expected to present at the 2005 Students’ Technology Fair with a follow-up presentation at the TCEA 2006 State Conference in Austin.
Campus Leadership Team and Campus Administrator Expectations
• Integration of Learning in Hand initiative into the Campus Improvement Plan for 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years.
• Commitment to support with the purchase of additional hardware (e.g. Wireless access points, Ultra-Thin keyboards) and software as recommended and agreed upon by the Campus Leadership Team.
• Commitment to support the initiative regardless of campus administrator changes
• Commitment to replace Palm Tungsten Cs damaged or destroyed—or other peripherals–during the time of the Initiative (2004-2006).