Weather Forecast Needed

Step 1 - Design a Solution


Congratulation! You have been selected as the new weather forecaster, meteorologist at the local news station. Budget cuts have made it impossible for you to travel to locations in the viewing area. The first weather forecast is coming up at 5pm today. Breaking News: An oil spill has taken place on the Galveston coast in the midst of a water spout.


Working with your team, take advantage of green screen technologies to create a weather forecast report for the local news broadcast. Your end product will be a video that will be run on the evening news.

Step 2 - Explore and Create

Watch the video shown left first. It will give you a quick how-to on using the DoInk Green Screen app. Longer video appears right.

Explore iOS premier green screen tool, DoInk's GreenScreen, with this Jonathan Wylie created sway. It features videos, blog entries, sketchnote of ten ways to get started with green screen for under $5, and much more.

Step 3 - Share

Look for a Sign: Find Seesaw code at bottom of your Station sign